Item No. |
Action |
Public discussion of items on agenda An enquiry was asked about why the PC had not been informed about a set of temporary traffic lights which had been set up on the A356 during some building works. The owners of the property were unaware that the PC had not been informed and were very apologetic for this oversight and for the inconvenience caused to residents and others using the A356.
The Chairman informed the meeting that Dorset Council must be informed by the construction company involved but they do not have to pass on this information to the PC.
2021/27 |
Apologies / Declarations of interest / grant of dispensations Apologies were received and accepted from Cllr Yvonne Harris and Alex Bishop (PCSO) |
2021/28 |
Approval of Minutes of the meeting held on 10th March 2021 The minutes of the last meeting were approved and will be signed by the Chairman. Proposed by Cllr Barber and seconded by Cllr Lines . |
2021/29 |
Matters arising from Minutes of the meeting held on 10th March 2021
a. Pipplepen Solar Farm Project The Clerk reported that Elgin Energy were still waiting for verification of the planning application and a reference number
b. Britain in Bloom Cllr Barber reported that he had still been unable to make progress with South Perrott in Bloom due to COVID restrictions. He hopes to speak to a number of people as soon as possible.
c. Noticeboard The Clerk reported that the noticeboard had been ordered and should be delivered by the end of May. Two options were offered for its installation:
i. Dorset Council to install – estimated cost £485
ii. Installation by a village working party led by Mark Denny – cost would be materials only
Option ii was the unanimous decision. Thanks were expressed to Mark Denny for his generous offer.
d. Lengthsman Cllr Denny reported that the response to the call for volunteers to join a working party had been slightly disappointing. It was agreed that a more personal approach by Councillors may result in a greater expression of interest.
Cllr Barber
Cllr Denny/Clerk
Cllr Barber/Cllr Denny
2021/30 |
Reports |
a) |
River Warden
The River Warden updated the meeting on the imminent reservoir work which is due to commence in mid/end May and will last for approximately 6 months, depending on the weather. The first task will be securing a site compound alongside Engineer’s Road for Kier Construction Company who will be carrying out the work on behalf of the Environment Agency. The Bridleway (W42/4) will be closed for the duration of the work with no diversion available. The footpath which runs through the Millennium Green will be diverted but as yet no detail of the diversion is available. The River Warden is pressing the Environment Agency for more information on this and it will be circulated asap.
Residents are reminded that during the work there will be numerous large lorries in the village and along Engineer’s Road.
River Warden |
b) |
Dorset Councillor. Dorset Councillor
Cllr Rebecca Knox began her report by expressing her thanks to Cllr Lines for all his excellent work, particularly during his time as Chairman, and wished him and Jill well in their forthcoming move to Bridport.
Cllr Knox reported that Dorset Council continued to have severe budget problems, much of it caused by the large social care responsibility. This shortage would not stop essential services but other departments eg highways are seeing the consequences of lack of funding.
Cllr Knox expressed her continued concern with the Coach and Horses Planning Application and offered to apply for a detailed Freedom of Information request to obtain any information not yet provided to the Parish Council.
Cllr Knox |
c) |
Police PCSO Bishop’s report is available at the end of these minutes.
d) |
Footpaths Officer The Footpath’s Officer reminded the meeting that in addition to informing the Footpath’s Officer, anybody can report problems with footpaths and bridleways directly to Dorset Council. The link to do this is: or phone 1305 221000.
A question was asked about an axe that had been seen lying by a woodpile along one of the footpaths. The Footpath Officer offered to contact the person she thought could be responsible to remind them not to leave such tools lying near to public rights of way.
Cllr Lines reported that the cuttings which had been blocking Langmoor Lane had recently been cleared making the footpath much more accessible.
The full Footpaths Officer’s report is available at the end of these minutes.
2021/31 |
Planning Matters a. Applications handled since the last meeting WD/D/20/001708 Coach and Horses
Cllr Lines reported that Katrina Trevett (Team Leader, Southern/Western Team, Development Management) had become the new Dorset Council Planning Officer for this case. She has already expressed a number of areas of concern (noise issues, professional viability and poor amenity level) about the application and will be investigating further.
Cllr Lines also informed the meeting that the planning application had been amended yet again to show:
i) the hotel being divided into one dwelling, Riverview Cottage, with Coaching Corner becoming the manager’s accommodation.
ii) the bow window on the western end of the building being converted into a door leading into Coaching Corner. This would appear to make Coaching Corner separate accommodation and therefore i) would seem ambiguous.
iii) a new window being installed in the western end of the building and a number of ‘arrow slit’ windows on the north side being converted into regular windows.
Cllr Lines encouraged everyone to have a look at the amendments and new plans which are available on the Dorset Council website and to send in any objections. The Parish Council unanimously agreed to put in a new objection.
Cllr Lines concluded his report by offering to stay on as a Consultant on the Coach and Horses planning application when he resigns as a Councillor. This was unanimously approved by the Council and thanks were expressed for his generous offer.
b. Decisions notified by DC since last meeting – None c. New application to be considered – None
d. Tree applications since the last meeting – d. Tree applications since last meeting
P/TRC/2021/01198 – Bakers Arms – consent not required
P/TRC/2021/00974 – Bakers Arms – approved
P/TRC/2021/01207 – Coach and Horses – approved
The Clerk reported that there was currently a problem on the Dorset Council Planning website which meant that objections to tree applications could not be submitted. Until this is sorted objections can be sent to
e. Other Planning Matters
i) Field at western end of the village
ii) Hunters Hatch
The Clerk reported that Paul Bignell, Planning Enforcement Officer, had been assigned to both these enquiries. He is due to visit on 6th May 2021 and will report back to the Clerk.
Clerk and Cllr Lines
Clerk |
2021/32 |
Highways Updates i) Picket Lane/A356 – the new yellow road markings have been delayed because of a late spring and a backlog of work due to COVID. They will be done asap. (The same applies to the sets of yellow lines at the eastern and western entrances to the village.)
ii) SIDs – the SIDs has been delivered to the village and will be installed by Dorset Council in the near future. The Clerk reminded the meeting that volunteers would be required to move the SIDs from one post to another every 6 weeks. Cllr Barber agreed to find volunteers (who would receive training) and co-ordinate this.
| Cllr Barber/Clerk |
2021/33 |
Correspondence Emails have been received/sent reference Highways (various), Coach and Horses, Annual Governance and Accountability Return
Hard copies of correspondence: Lloyds Bank Statement, Clerk and Councils Direct.
2021/34 |
a. Financial Status for South Perrott Parish Council as at 5th May 2021
Income since the last meeting
Precept Part 1 Total
2358.50 £2358.50
Payments made since the last meeting
Clerking Work (Mar, Apr)
Payroll Admin
Bank balance as at 5th May 2021: £6379.21
b. Bank Account Signatory
The Chairman proposed that the Clerk should be authorised to set up payments on the bank account. This would seem simpler than the present arrangement and would still be secure as a double authorisation is required (currently done by two Councillors). The proposal was unanimously approved.
c. Financial Statement
The Chairman proposed that the bi-monthly financial statement is posted on the Parish Council website. This would ensure full transparency.
2021/35 |
Matters of report and items for the next meeting
a. Chairman
Nothing to report.
b. Clerk
The Clerk raised the subject of the Village Meeting which is an annual opportunity for residents to raise any issues they have to do with the village. The meeting is chaired by the Chairman of the Parish Council but the agenda is set by residents. Issues raised are then fed back to the Parish Council, particularly if there is a financial requirement. The Councillors unanimously agreed to hold this meeting in September (prior to the bi-monthly Parish Council meeting) when, hopefully, some of the clubs and activities will be operating again and more people will be happy to attend. The meeting will be advertised in due course.
c. Members
Nothing to report
2021/36 |
Dates of Future Meetings Wednesday 14th July 2021 at 7.30pm.
Due to current government legislation, there is a requirement for this meeting to be held in person. It was proposed and agreed that the meeting would be held in the village hall but would also be available online for members of the public who are unable to attend in person. Further detail will be available nearer the time.
The meeting closed at 9.00pm
Public Session to raise items for future agendas Sue Coutanche reminded the meeting that the next edition of the Pump and Pound (No59) would be published at the end of May. Any items for inclusion should be sent to the editors by 21st May 2021.
The meeting closed at 9.00pm
Police Report from PCSO Alex Bishop – May 2021 On the morning of 11th March, we had a report of a suspicious vehicle on Lecher Lane, where it was seen several times driving slowly up and down the lane, appearing to look at the properties. The vehicle is registered fairly locally and it and the owner are of no concern to Police at this time. Please continue to be vigilant and report any suspicious activity to us on 101 at the time, or online at
We have had a report of a phishing scam email being sent to a recipient, who was asked to send the emailer $2000, or they would release web cam footage of them to their contacts. Please do not respond to any emails of this nature and report it to Action Fraud on 0300 123 2040, or online at
River Warden’s Report – May 2021 I have received further information from the Environment Agency (EA) concerning the proposed maintenance and improvement works to be undertaken at South Perrott Reservoir this year.
EA’s contractor, Keir, is likely to start work in the middle to the end of May, and will initially be concentrating on work to the field at the end of the Engineer’s Road, which will be used as the site compound.
There will be a public bridleway closure until completion of the work and grass reinstatement period.
The public footpath running through the Millennium Green will be temporarily diverted during the work and subsequent grass reinstatement period. No details of the diversion route are currently available.
As soon as I receive any further information, I will endeavour to publish the details on the village Facebook page and in the Pump & Pound. I understand that formal notices will also be posted on site.
Martyn Gillingham
Tel: 891931, email:
Footpath Officer’s Report – May 2021 Unfortunately, my recovery from my accident in February has been much slower than I had originally anticipated. This has prevented me from traversing our local footpaths although I have managed to navigate the Engineers Road on a few occasions and then walked along the top of the “dam”, which is part of the Flood Prevention Scheme.
As I walk around the village on my stick I have met a number of locals returning from walks including the Parrett Trail up to Winyards Gap where often walkers have enjoyed refreshments now that they are serving again.
You may be interested to know that if you come across anything that is stopping you enjoying your Right Of Way on a footpath or bridleway you can report it to Dorset Council. This includes missing, damaged or hard to use stiles, gates, footbridges, overgrown hedges and undergrowth, and even barriers such as fallen trees, electric fences, ploughing and crop planting. The Council should either resolve the issue themselves or by liaising with the landowner (without revealing any details of the complainant). The link is or phone 01305 221000.
You can also report any problem direct to me and as your Footpath’s Officer I will take the necessary action.
Sue Coutanche
07971 979155