Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Thursday 26th May 2022 at 7.30pm the Village Hall

Present: Cllr Jonathan Baker, Cllr Gill Denny, Cllr Harris, Cllr Balavant Barber, Cllr Tom Scott-Malden

In Attendance:  Jane Thicknesse, Clerk, and 7 members of the public.

Item No.


Public discussion of items on agenda

a. A resident requested to discuss a planning item. It was agreed to defer this until later in the meeting.

b. Concern was expressed about the condition of the shared road/pavement surface between Hunters Hatch and Lecher Lane.  The Clerk offered to report to DC.

c. A resident requested that Dorset Council inspect all the road sign posts as some are thought to be in a very poor state of repair and potentially a liability.









Apologies / Declarations of interest / grant of dispensations 

Apologies were received and accepted from Alex Bishop (PCSO)


Approval of Minutes of meeting held on 10th March 2022

The minutes of the last meeting were approved, and were signed by the Chairman. Proposed by Cllr Baker and seconded by Cllr Scott Malden.                   


Matters arising from Minutes of meeting held on 10th March 2022

a. Pipplepen Solar Farm Project
No progress to report. Both the Dorset Council and South Somerset District Council websites indicate that a decision is still pending.

b. Picket Lane – Gullies
The River Warden reported that the gullies still had not been cleared. Clerk to chase.

c. Bank Account
Still not resolved despite the Chairman receiving reassurance from Lloyds Bank that new approvals for Cllr Scott-Malden and Clerk had been granted. Chairman to follow up.

d. Litter Bin on corner of Manor Close
The Chairman reported that the bin had now been moved and was in a better position (further from the bench and closer to Picket Lane)

Several residents had commented that both bins are well used, resulting in them occasionally overflowing. The Clerk reported that during discussions with Dorset Council Waste Services they had also commented on this and had suggested that the collection/emptying frequency was changed from monthly to fortnightly.  The Clerk informed the Council that the annual cost for fortnightly emptying would be approximately £240 (currently £120) and that a budget of £150 had been set. The Chairman suggested that the additional £90 could be found from the Village Enhancement/Improvements budget and proposed that the collection should be increased to fortnightly. This was seconded by Cllr Denny and unanimously approved.


















Annual Village Meeting

The Chairman reported that the Annual Village Meeting had been held on Thursday 28th April. He gave a brief summary of the meeting which had been well attended. (Minutes from the meeting can be found on the PC Noticeboard and Website.)




Update on The Pound Project

The Chairman reminded the meeting of the nature of this project (a new bench, a new noticeboard showing footpaths, re-siting the rubbish bin, moving the PC noticeboard and some re-pointing and/or re-walling) which had been proposed by Michael Stevenette.       Cllr Denny reported that she had managed to obtain two quotes which included construction of a retaining wall, laying of pavement slabs, moving the noticeboard, removal of rubbish etc which were in the region of £3900. (Although this was felt expensive the meeting was reminded of the recent increases in building costs). The Chairman offered to speak to Michael Stevenette about these costs which would be in addition to those for the new bench and new noticeboard/plinth.

The Clerk reported that she had spoken to Western Power Distribution, BT Openreach and Dorset Council ref the trees overhanging The Pound which needed to be reduced due to their weight and position above a crumbly limestone cliff face. None of the organisations were prepared to accept responsibility for the trees as they were either not considered a risk or under their jurisdiction. However, as the Council consider them a liability it was agreed to get two quotes to reduce/remove the overhanging branches. Once these had been obtained a decision would be made about financing the work and a tree application submitted to Dorset Council.













Update on Painting of the Village Gateposts

Cllr Scott-Malden reported that he had obtained two quotes for the work. After a lengthy discussion which included the merits of painting the gateposts, the Chairman proposed that the cheaper quote (£200 to cut back vegetation and apply one coat of exterior satinwood paint to 4 gates) was accepted. This was seconded by Cllr Barber and unanimously approved. (It is hoped that this work will be carried out on 26 June 2022.)



Cllr Scott-Malden


Planning Matters

a. Applications handled since last meeting


b. Decisions notified by DC since last meeting

c. New applications to be considered

d. Tree applications since last meeting
i. P/TRC/2022/01076 – Maple Cottage
Fell two conifers for safety reasons – SUPPORTED

e. Other Planning Matters
i. P/FUL/2022/00470 – Field along Bailey’s Lane.
The Chairman reported that a comment had been sent to Dorset Council Planning ref the proposed application. A resident questioned the decision to request locking bollards to prevent motorised vehicles as this would restrict access to landowners. The Chairman explained that the bollards would prevent unauthorised driving along the bridleway and river bed but land owners who had historic rights of access would still be able to gain access to their land as they would be provided with a key to the bollard. (NB No decision has been made by Dorset Council ref this planning application and the land is due to be sold at auction on 30 June 2022 by Greenslade Taylor Hunt).

ii. P/HOU/2022/02822 – Old Post Office
Erection of second floor extension and glazed link to rear of property.
This application has been withdrawn.

iii. P/LBC/2021/04645 – Hunters Hatch
Following submission of revised drawings and plans the retrospective planning application has been approved by the Conservation Officer. All remedial work has to be completed within 6 months. (For full details see Dorset Council Planning Application website (

iv. WD/D/20/001708 – Coach and Horses
Due to a Conflict of Interest Cllr Harris left the meeting for this agenda item.
The Clerk reported that following the refusal of the retrospective planning permission in January 2022 there was a 6 month appeal window. This window closes on 10 June 2022 after which Dorset Council Planning Department will be approached to ask what happens next.




























Reports from Dorset Councillor, Police Officer, River Warden and Footpaths Officer

a. River Warden
The River Warden reported that it had been a quiet period with a single instance of possible contamination which had been reported but not proven due to heavy rain dispersing he evidence.  The works at the South Perrott Reservoir are continuing well – with minor interruptions from some heavy rain recently. New concrete beams have been cast in the ground at the reservoir crest. These will be used as foundations for the new erosion protection material – this is a precast concrete cellular system that has to be laid with great accuracy. Re-shaping has also started on the righthand side spillway embankment which will enable it to receive its new erosion protection. The works are broadly on target to complete mid-autumn this year. 

Martyn Gillingham River Warden

b. Footpaths Officer
The Footpaths Officer reported that with the recent dry spell the footpaths are now easier underfoot and visitors and locals alike are continuing to enjoy the beautiful countryside that they traverse.
Further to my previous report:

  • The Parrett Trail
    Remains open whilst work continues on the SP Flood Relief Scheme and continues to be well used with some walkers on a “mission” to enjoy refreshments at the Winyards Gap Inn, at the end of the Trail!
  • Way marker in Baileys Lane
    Further to my previous report this remains broken.  It was probably erected by the now defunct Parrett Trail Trust. It has been reported to Dorset Council along with other footpath matters.
  • Footpath No.1 by School House in Pipplepen Lane.
    Following a recent theft and rubbish dumped in one of the farmer’s other fields, the farmer has locked the gates to the field that this footpath crosses; however the official entrance from the Lane is waymarked and the footpath can still be accessed. It follows the “Yellow Brick Road” as far as the hedge and then veers off to the left to cross a wooden bridge into the next field.
  • Langmoor Lane –
    Erosion of the banks continues by the stone bridge crossing.  I have contacted Dorset Council a number of times in the last couple of months and am still awaiting a response.  I will continue to chase up.

    Please let me know if you find any footpaths matters that need addressing whilst you are out and about in South Perrott’s countryside.  

    Sue Coutanche SP Footpath Officer

c. Dorset Councillor
No report.

PCSO Alex Bishop sent his apologies but no report.



Emails have been received/sent reference Highways (various), Planning, Banking,

Hard copies of correspondence: Lloyds Bank Statement, Clerk and Councils Direct.




a. Financial Status

Payments made since 10th March 2022                   

Clerking Work (Mar, Apr, May 22)


Rubbish Collection


Payroll Administration


DAPTC Annual Subscription


Rubbish Bin Relocation





Income since 10th March 2022                                                                   

Precept (Part 1)




New cheques/payments for consideration



Bank balance as at 26th May 2022             £5815.29












Matters of report and items for the next meeting

a. Chairman

The Chairman asked the Councillors to complete a short online survey from Dorset Council Planning Department which he would circulate.

b. Clerk

The Clerk reported that she would be circulating various South Perrott Council documents (eg Code of Conduct, Standing Orders, Data Protection) which needed reviewing at the next meeting. Once reviewed and updated they will be made available on the council website.

c. Members

Nothing to report










Dates of Future Meetings

Thursday 14th July 2022 at 7.30pm

The meeting closed at 8.50pm

Public Session to raise items for future agendas

A resident requested that the Dorset Councillor attends the next meeting.

Sue Coutanche reminded people that contributions for the next edition of the Pump and Pound needed to be received by 24 July 2022.

