Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 9th January 2024 in the Village Hall

Present: Cllr Jonathan Baker (Chair), Cllr Bavalant Barber , Cllr Gill Denny and Cllr Tom Scott-Malden

In Attendance: Katie Armstrong, Clerk, and 5 members of the public.

Item No.




Public discussion of items on agenda

There were no items of discussion.



Apologies / Declarations of Interest / Grant of Dispensations 

Apologies were received and accepted from Cllr Andy Syddell and PCSO Alex Bishop.

There were no Declarations of Interest or Grants of Dispensations.



Approval of Minutes of meeting held on 14th November 2023

The minutes of the last meeting were approved, and were signed by the Chairman. Proposed by Cllr Barber and seconded by Cllr Baker.



Matters arising from Minutes of meeting held on 14th November 2023

a. Pipplepen Solar Farm

Households have received the newsletter from Scottish Power Renewables (SPR

b. Wall in Manor Close

This project is weather dependent and will be added to the May Parish Council agenda.

c. Priority Services Register

This has now been published in the Pump and Pound, Parish Council thanks goes to the editors and all involved.

d. Christmas Tree

A discussion took place about the position and size of the Village Christmas Tree for 2024.
We will need to purchase some lights and decorations.
This will be added to the September agenda.






Millennium Green (MG)

Martyn Gillingham reported that he has now received the paperwork from the solicitors acting for Natural England. It was agreed that the Clerks address will be used for the registered office. They have asked for the Parish Councils attestation clause, it was noted for the Clerk to seek advice from DAPTC.
They have asked if the Parish Council has a registered office. I believe not, and have suggested that your address, as Chairman, will have to suffice. After all, you will be signing the documents on behalf of the Parish Council.






Martyn Gillingham/Clerk


Planning Matters

a. Applications handled since last meeting

b. Decisions notified by DC since last meeting

c. New applications to be considered
P/HOU/2023/07055- Council looked at this application and agreed to support it.

d. Tree applications since last meeting
P/TRC/2023/06662- This application was noted.

e. Other Planning Matters
i. WD/D/20/001708 – Coach and Horses
No new information. The clerk will continue to monitor.











Reports from Dorset Councillor, PCSO, River Warden and Footpaths Officer
a. Dorset Councillor
No report received

In the early hours of 6th December, there was damage to a vehicle in School Hill. It is unknown at this time if the offenders were causing damage only, or attempting to break in to the vehicle. They could be seen on CCTV to smash a window, then run off. It is possible the offenders made enough noise that they didn’t want to hang around. If anyone has any information about this crime, please contact us on 101, or online at and use reference number 55230194481.

There were several Road Traffic Collisions (RTCs) over the Christmas period (not specifically South Perrott). I would like to take this opportunity to advise people to be careful on the road and consider planning journey’s ahead of time, particularly around the severe weather we have been having. The more common factors that cause collisions are often easy fixes drivers can take. Firstly, adjust your driving to the conditions. When the road and weather are clear and dry, you should allow a 2 second gap between you and the driver in front, this should double to 4 seconds, when conditions are wet, or increase to 10 seconds in ice and snow (you can check the highway code for further details on braking distances). Many people fail to adjust to conditions and do not allow adequate stopping distances. Secondly, consider road positioning. Many people will often take a “racing line” around a corner, cutting over the white line. This can often put you in the way of oncoming traffic and mean taking evasive action (especially if you come across a large vehicle). In lanes with no road markings, it becomes even more important to consider positioning. Finally, speed. Many people do not adjust their speed for the conditions. Simply remembering to slow adequately before a corner will allow better reaction time, if you come across oncoming traffic, or even other road users, such as horse riders, or cyclists. Keeping a lower speed will also mean better traction when driving through larger puddles/floods, or when driving over mud/grit washed from the fields and verges. I do not mention this to teach anyone to suck eggs, but usually the cause to collisions are very simple errors that can be avoided. Please be safe on the roads.

PCSO Alex Bishop

c. River Warden
The weather pattern over the last two months has been characterised by heavy rainfall and strong winds.
Named storms Elin, Fergus and Gerrit have blown through without any serious damage in the village, and today we have an amber wind warning in Southern England from Storm Henk.
On 4th December, excess highway run-off at the western end of the village caused ponding at the bottom of Church Hill. This arose as a result of a drain under the A356, discharging into the river, becoming blocked, and was exacerbated by the waterfall drain on the west side of the river bridge being blocked by fallen leaves. Some internal flood damage was caused to an adjoining property.
On 7th December, the heavy rain returned causing flooding in Picket Lane.

Martyn Gillingham
River/Flood Warden
Tel: 01935 891931 Email:

d. Footpaths Officer
d. Footpaths Officer Langmoor Lane remains an ongoing problem. In my update (14 /11/23), to the last parish council meeting, I reported that I was awaiting quotes from Stuart Semple, Senior Ranger (West Dorset), who I had met the day before with their contractor, Clive, who had undertaken the previous repair work to the Lane. This is the email I received from Stuart on 17/11/23:
“Thanks for the e-mail, hopefully you had a good Council meeting. Clive did not get a quote back on Tuesday, but it has just come through at £12708.00. Not sure if this is in the realm that was expected by the SPPC but it is quite a large job. We could ask for further quotes from other contractors but it might be worth sounding out the potential contribution beforehand.”
I responded that this quote was almost twice the entire budget c.7,600 (14/11/23) and therefore matched funding was out of the question.
Stuart responded by return email on 17/11/23:
“Yes, I see the limitation there. I’ll see what I can squeeze from Russell (Goff) or if there might be any grants that the PC could apply for to help, sometimes there are funds they can access that we can’t and get back to you.”
There are two questions for SPPC to consider:
• What contribution can the PC make towards these repairs?;
• Is the PC aware of any grants that they could apply for? (N.B. Scottish Power Renewables (SPR) Newsletter Winter 2023, states that funding from the Community Benefit Fund (CBF) will not be paid until the scheme is exporting energy and linked to the National Grid c. March 2026).
I am concerned that with the extreme weather we are experiencing, Storm Henk, being the most recent, Langmoor Lane will continue to erode and soon the bridleway will be unfit to use!
Dorset Council currently has a live survey “Active Travel”, which closes on 18th January 2024. The survey is to ascertain current access and barriers to travel specifically walking, cycling or wheeling (wheelchairs, mobility scooters, etc.) I completed this survey (22/12/23), as an “individual” although I did mention that I am the SP Footpath Officer , however I made it clear that I was responding on my own behalf and NOT on behalf of SPPC. ( I know that at least one other parish councillor has also responded). The points that I made included the poor state of many of our parish’s footpaths and bridleways. This is due to, not only the inclement weather but also as many of them cross productive farmland and often they are ploughed, planted or rutted by livestock. Another point I highlighted is the lack of access for those with mobility issues. Most of our local footpaths and bridleways are not conducive for use by those with limited mobility! I also reported that the footpath from the Old School which tracks north-east towards North Perrott needs redefining.

Despite these limitations we are surrounded by outstanding countryside and many of our residents take the opportunity to use the routes that are available. As always I urge everyone to continue to report on the conditions of our local footpaths and bridleways.
Sue Coutanche
Footpaths Officer




a. Financial Status

Payments made since 14th November 2023

Payments recieved


Outgoing payments


Bank Balance



Matters of report and items for the next meeting

a. Chairman
There was nothing further to add.

b. Clerk
There was nothing further to add.

c. Members
Nothing to report



Dates of Next Meeting

Tuesday 12th March 2024 at 6.30pm in the Village Hall

The meeting closed at 8.05pm