Minutes – 5th November 2024


Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 5th November 2024 in the Village Hall

Present: Cllr Tom Scott-Malden, Cllr Richard Footitt, Cllr Robin Ketteridge, Cllr Martyn Gillingham and Cllr Sue Coutanche

In Attendance:  Vicky Reed (Acting Clerk), Cllr Craig Monks and 12 members of the public. 

Item No.Action
Apologies were received from PCSO Alex Bishop.
Cllr Footitt reported that Katie Armstrong has resigned, served her notice period, and had now left her post as the clerk to the Parish Council. An advert will be published shortly, and the hope is that a new clerk will be in post by the January 2025 meeting. 

The pay range for the position will be increased in line with advice from the DAPTC. Currently we will retain the working hours as 16 hours per month, with additional hours paid if necessary. 

Vicky Reed had already agreed to clerk this meeting due to the previous clerk having annual leave booked.

2024/030MINUTES OF MEETING HELD ON 27TH AUGUST 2024It was proposed by Cllr Coutanche and seconded by Cllr Gillingham that the minutes of the meeting of 27th August 2024 be approved. These were subsequently signed by the Chair. 
a) Parrett Hotel Enforcement Notice WD/ENF/20/00041 to be dealt with under Planning

 b) Update on appointment of Lengthsman – Cllr Footitt has investigated the option of employing someone in this role and the costs may be prohibitive. Therefore, Cllr Footitt will place an advert for a self-employed person, to invoice the parish council on an hourly basis. This was proposed by Cllr Scott-Malden and seconded by Cllr Coutanche.
 c) Update on appointment of Environment Warden and Junior Wardens – no volunteers as yet, Cllr Ketteridge will do some further advertising via Facebook, and Cllr Scott-Malden via the Parish Council website. 

 d) Purchase of two planters for entrance to School Hill – these will be in place for the Spring 2025 season. 

 e) Purchase of a ‘Tommy Silhouette’, flag and poppies for the village – 10 poppies have now been sited around the village, along with a ‘Tommy’ silhouette, and a poppy flag is flying from the church tower. 

 f) Purchase of a Christmas Tree – this has been ordered and will arrive late November/early December. There was a discussion about possible locations and the pros and cons. No final decision has been taken on where this will be positioned, although the consensus from the meeting was for it to be sited in the Pound.

 g) Phone box in the Pound – BT has been persuaded to reconnect the telephone, which is now operational. However, BT has declined to re-paint the phone box. Cllr Footitt to look into paint colour options. 




2024/032 PLANNING
a) Applications handled since last meeting – P/FUL/2024/05297 – Parrett HotelProposal to retain summer house, smoking shelter, conservatory and oil tank store; undertake rearrangements to the internal layout to provide reconfigured owners’ accommodation and change one hotel room to self-catering accommodation; and insert three associated roof-lights on the northern elevation.

 There are good reasons for the changes to the layout to the owners’ accommodation, to allow the owners easy access to the entrance to the property when new guests arrive. There is also a similar model in other hotels in the Dorset area, of having a combination of hotel rooms and self-catering accommodation. The landlord has indicated that he may be willing to open the Parrett Hotel to non-residents in the Spring, once internal works have been completed. In light of the above and taking into account the actions of the enforcement team (see below) the parish council has agreed to support the planning application, (on the understanding that the self-catering accommodation is leased on a short-term basis only), and submitted comments accordingly to the planning department, in accordance with the application deadline. 

b) Decisions notified by DC since last meeting – P/LBC/2024/04047The proposal for replacement windows and side door at Winton Cottage was granted on 12/9/24.

c) New applications to be considered – None

d) Tree applications – None

e) Other Planning Matters – WD/ENF/20/00041 – Parrett Hotel Enforcement Notice.This is to restore the Parrett Hotel to a nine-bedroom hotel, and one residential dwelling.  There is an application to the Land Registry to convert the property back to one dwelling, and a start has been made internally to restore the nine bedrooms. The deadline of the enforcement notice is 1st February 2025.

Cllr Craig Monks apologised for not attending the last meeting, as he got the date wrong.

Trees for the village are arriving in the area tomorrow, and Cllr Monks will arrange for some to be delivered to the village for community planting.

Rural connectivity – Poor mobile telephone signals in the area are causing problems. Cllr Monks has been invited to take part in network conversations about the possibility of improving this.

Roadworks & Footpaths – please report problems with roadways and pavements, potholes, blocked gullies, drains etc. via the Dorset Council website or via telephone 01305 221000 to ensure they are logged, followed up and audited.

Community Forums are held bi-monthly, in different villages in the ward, and will be held in South Perrott on 1
th December, from 7 to 9pm. Cllr Monks is also available at the monthly surgeries held in conjunction with the town council in Beaminster. 

Beaminster Town Council (BTC) has an emergency resilience plan. Please report to Cllr Monks blocked drains, gullies and ditches, so this can be raised with DC. BTC also have a store of sand bags available.
The leader of Dorset Council has indicated that they will be visiting all the town councils within the county over the next four years. If they visit BTC Cllr Monks will let the Parish Council know.

Alex Bishop reported to Cllr Footitt that there is nothing to report in this area. There have however been thefts of some quad bikes from the Bridport area.

Please see Appendix 1. Please also report any blocked drains, ditches and gullies to Cllr Gillingham in the first instance, who may be able to resolve the issue. He will then report the problem to Dorset Council if he is unable to deal with the issue. 

Please see Appendix 2.

Cllr Gillingham corrected a reference in the last Pump & Pound which stated that the agreement had been signed to appoint the Parish Council as the sole trustee of the Millennium Green. This is not the situation yet as the Charity Commission has now appointed a case worker to finalise details. Consideration will need to be given to the costs of grass cutting and maintenance in the future and Cllr Gillingham is in conversation with the Environment Agency about possibilities. Cllr Gillingham will report progress to the next meeting. 

Cllr Gillingham has investigated what digital voice is, and the implications for the village.  The changeover from the existing analogue phone system to a new digital one is due to take place by January 2027. There are a number of issues with this, as the village doesn’t currently have full fibre broadband. At the current time, residents can decline to switch over to the new system if they so wish. Further information will be provided in due course. 

Cllr Ketteridge is liaising with Dorset Council, with a view to a charging station being installed in the village, once a suitable location has been identified (possibly at the Village Hall site). The installation at the moment is free. 

a) Plastic free community
Yvonne Sullivan talked the meeting through the scheme, and the benefits to the environment, especially the reduction of single use plastics. Further information will be sought and shared at future meetings. 

Parish Champions – to consider the appointment of a Listed Buildings Champion and a Digital Champion
There are 23 listed buildings in the village, and 2 listed tombs. There is a case for having a champion to give advice and guidance for new residents moving into the village. A welcome pack could be developed for all new homeowners in the village, which could detail the Listed Buildings and also give details of riparian ownership responsibilities. Cllr Gillingham is happy to take on the role of the Listed Buildings Champion. Proposed by Cllr Footitt, and seconded by Cllr Scott-Malden.

The nearest Digital Champion is in Beaminster. It was agreed that it would be beneficial to have one in South Perrott. It was agreed to publicise this role via Facebook.


a) The current financial status is £10,036.38. Recent main outgoings have been salaries and Remembrance Day items.

b) Insurance renewal – this is due at the end of November, and the quote is pending. Cllr Footitt suggests that we stay with our current insurer. Cllr Footitt proposed this, and Cllr Scott-Malden seconded this. Cllr Footitt will organize the renewal.

c) To consider the budget for 2025-2026
The proposed precept for the 2025-2026 year is the same as for the current financial year, namely £6,000. There are sufficient reserves in the account to cover any shortfall against the planned budgeted expenditure. The budget now includes maintenance of the defibrillator and an amount for the hire of the Village Hall (which will be invoiced and paid in arrears). Cllr Ketteridge proposed the precept request be set at £6,000 and this was seconded by Cllr Gillingham.  

First Aid Course for 12 residents Sat 1st Feb 2025 from 12.30 to 5pm. Donations will be invited. Cllr Ketteridge will advertise and coordinate the event. It was agreed to collate a list of residents who attend this, or have previously been qualified as first aiders, subject to people being happy for their details to be shared. 

Tree Warden – Cllr Footitt will contact possible suitably knowledgeable people and report back at the next meeting.

b) Members
Wessex Internet to be included on the agenda for the next meeting. 



The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday 7th January 2025 at 7pm.

Meeting closed at 9.08pm. 


Members of the Public raised the issue of the mud on the road in Lecher Lane, and the main road out towards Beaminster. 

Signed ……………………………………………………………………..   Date ………………………………..

Appendix 1 



Over the past twelve months, almost all of Wessex received exceptionally high rainfall due to the wet winter and spring. This has been the second wettest 12-month period (September to August) since records began in 1871. The water levels in the River Parrett have been contained despite the exceptionally high rainfall.

Groundwater levels however, have also been exceptionally high, and the high rainfall has resulted in excess surface water run-off which has manifested itself on the local roads, particularly Picket Lane.

High levels of mud in suspension have been deposited on the road surface, and have resulted in blocked gulleys, which need regular clearance to ensure that excess water can reach the highway drains. The following photographs show the blocked gully outside Pattens Cottage, before and after clearance. With the Autumn leaf fall adding to the problem, it is essential to be vigilant!

A dirt path with a gate and grass

Description automatically generated
A drainage grate in a dirt road

Description automatically generated

Martyn Gillingham

River/Flood Warden

Tel: 01935 891931

Email: mcvgillingham@btinternet.com

Appendix 2 

Footpath Update – November 2024

Since the last SPPC meeting and as reported in the Pump & Pound Issue 79, I, Cllr. Richard Footitt and Steven Legg met with Stuart Semple, West Dorset Senior Ranger. The purpose of this meeting, which was held in Langmoor Lane bridleway, was to discuss the immediate urgent repairs needed and the longer-term potential improvements that could be made to the Lane.  We all agreed that it was productive and informative.

Further to this meeting which was held in mid-September, I have been advised by Stuart Semple that he hopes to obtain a chipper before the end of November for a couple of days

clearance work in Langmoor Lane.

Stuart has also sent me a link to a potential funding website for FIPL funding administered through National Landscapes (formerly AONB) with the caveat that although currently these funds have all been allocated there may be future funding and other funding streams available.

Stuart emailed (01/11/24) an update on Bailey’s Lane, “The contractors are hoping to conclude works on the flood alleviation area at Bailey’s Lane in November so that the bridleway can be reopened. They do have until the middle of November to apply for another extension so this is by no means guaranteed but looking positive”.

The Leggs have now finished the next phase of laying sandstone agricultural tracks and many locals are enjoying walking along these now that many of the footpaths and bridleways are very muddy again. These tracks are used at the Legg’s discretion and good relationships and understanding have developed between them and the local community.

Cllr. Sue Coutanche, Footpath Officer

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